Life In Beauty

Life In Beauty

Book in a Box

Kate Porter

Kate Porter’s lovely book, Life in Beauty explores Tolle’s idea with a light hand and an open heart. Following a shocking divorce after 24 years of marriage, she spent a year healing herself. The result of that healing is a book which rather than calling for vengeance, calls for joy; rather than calling for justice, calls for love; rather than calling for judgement, calls for beauty. This is an inspirational book which reminds us that beauty’s call can heal our hurts.

It reminds us that beauty is everywhere around us and that we have only to pay attention and it will reveal itself to us making mundane cares seem insignificant. By using personal examples and those of others, she gives us the tools to help us reclaim beauty as part of our natural heritage.

Interestingly, she just doesn’t talk about beauty. Rather, she presents these inspiring ideas packaged in a very beautiful Beauty Treasure Box. She actually does what she talks about. More than a book, Life in Beauty is an experience. More than an experience, it is a gift for us all.

ISBN: 9781894694667
CDN/USD $29.95

Kate Porter is a former professor of English. After her retirement from Centennial College in 1994, she opened a visual gallery in Vancouver, BC that specialized in Cree and Ojibway art. In 2001, Kate created and launched her own distinctive line of jewelry. Recognized for her creativity and elegant designs, her work has drawn international critical acclaim. Kate now lives in White Rock, BC, where she continues to make jewelry and write. Life in Beauty is her first book.

Kate Porter is a former professor of English. After her retirement from Centennial College in 1994, she opened a visual gallery in Vancouver, BC that specialized in Cree and Ojibway art. In 2001, Kate created and launched her own distinctive line of jewelry. Recognized for her creativity and elegant designs, her work has drawn international critical acclaim. Kate now lives in White Rock, BC, where she continues to make jewelry and write. Life in Beauty is her first book.